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What You Need to Know About Fertility

When it comes to women’s health, there’s simply nothing more important than fertility.


And, here’s the thing: fertility is a lot more than simply getting pregnant or not getting pregnant — it’s about health. Fertility in women is incredibly dependent on hormonal regulation and a healthy menstrual cycle, and it speaks to a lot more than we might think.


Just like with any other area of health, fertility is wildly dependent on stress regulation and holistic health. While there will always be some fertility issues that simply can’t be regulated, the grand majority of them do come down to that general regulation.


Let’s talk…

As women, the menstrual cycle is just as important as everything else — and we like referring to it as our “5th vital sign.” But, the world we live in hasn’t leaned into the importance of fertility and the menstrual cycle like it should. We were told to take birth control for acne and for irregular periods, and now our hormones are disrupted and our generation is struggling with PCOS, endometriosis, and infertility.


Plus, we’re under a wild amount of stress from an overload of chemicals and toxins that disrupt hormonal balance and healing. From being over-fed and under-nourished all the way to taking on more stress and responsibility all the way to finding chemicals in every single aspect of our daily lives, our estrogen and hormonal levels are everywhere… and then some.


The result? Fertility issues.

When you combine the toxins and the stress and the general world we live in, it makes sense that fertility issues abound — and it’s not just women. It’s men, too.
Curious about the stats? Here are some wild ones:

  • About 6% of married women aged 15 to 44 years in the United States are unable to get pregnant after one year of trying. (CDC)
  • About 12% of women aged 15 to 44 years in the United States have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy to term (impaired fecundity). (CDC)
  • Almost 9% of men aged 25 to 44 years in the United States reported that they or their partner saw a doctor for advice, testing, or treatment for infertility during their lifetime. (CDC)
  • A weight loss of 5% to 10% may dramatically improve ovulation and pregnancy rates in women who are considered obese. (Fertility Answers)


So, let’s adjust how we’re thinking about fertility. Instead of focusing just on getting pregnant, why don’t we focus on health?


What you can do to improve fertility holistically

If you take a look at the social proof and the statistics around fertility in the US, it’s pretty instantly obvious that there is a huge fertility problem in the US — and it’s only getting worse. So, let’s adjust how we’re thinking about fertility. Instead of focusing just on getting pregnant, why don’t we focus on health?


Clean up your toxins: Focusing on what’s going in and on your body — and making a significant effort to clean it up — can make a massive difference. From cleaning up your diet (focus on eating more whole, natural foods) to using more natural skin care and hygiene products to switching to cleaner household products, you can start to heal your body from the outside in.


Manage stress effectively: Stress management is an absolutely essential piece of managing hormones and hormonal imbalances, so relieve it the right way. Get the right amount of exercise (not too much, not too little — no overtraining!), and start getting incredibly intentional about taking time for self-care. Manage your stress with meditation, gratitude journaling, and simply focusing on yourself.


See a family chiropractor: Nervous system interference can impact every aspect of your life, including things like hormone levels. By seeing a family chiropractor to evaluate your nervous system and locate and clear out accumulated stress, you can encourage your body’s self healing abilities.



Fertility — and health — is a lifelong journey, and we’re always here to help you optimize your health as you go. Come join us in our workshop, The Truth About Fertility, and we’ll show you how you can take control of your health the right way.

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